A message from the heavens Mountain View

June 6, 2007 • 2 min read

This post is over ten years old. Chances are, I've learned enough to have advanced my thinking about some of this stuff.

Google likes to break the ice.The following excerpt is based on a true story. Some details may have been changed for entertainment purposes.

goog13: hey, want to work on youtube? timealterer: wtf, seriously? goog13: ya we found your resume, lets do an interview timealterer: omfg i’m not even done my degree goog13: oh crap we didn’t notice that goog13: talk to you next year timealterer: sweet

Getting a job inquiry from Google is such an outlandish sort of thing, that my friends and I suspected it of being spam when I got it. It makes sense in hindsight, though, since Google has all the data on the web as its weapon. I assume they have a top secret Future Googler Search that allows you to search through all the resumes on the internet using special voodoo. The moral of this story is threefold:

1. Just because it’s too good to be true doesn’t mean it’s spam. It might instead be a confused deity, like a Google HR person.

2. Keep an updated resume online. I learned the hard way about keeping it updated when I once didn’t update mine for 3-4 years. When I did have to update it I’d forgotten some awesome things I’d done in the meantime since, well, I’m just so awesome I guess. But seriously put lots of stuff on it - there’s no reason the Future Googler Search can’t find you too.

3. Get your CS degree. My exchange with Google would have been way less happy if I wasn’t in the process of finishing my degree. Instead of thinking, “maybe I’m more useful than I thought”, I’d be thinking, “why don’t I just go back to playing WoW and eating baby cookies all day.”

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