It Shipped That Way

November 20, 2022 • 1 min read

Four years ago, I started the Fun Fact podcast with Arik Devens, and we’re still having a lot of fun every month sharing facts about schemes, history, science, and so on.

I’ve increasingly felt the itch, though, for a second show. I learn so much talking through product and engineering challenges with smart folks I keep in touch with, but those conversations aren’t captured anywhere – other than perhaps my hasty personal notes that occasionally yield a blog post.

So, this week our team at Steamclock and I launched It Shipped That Way.

Every three weeks I’m interviewing leaders in engineering, design, and product about how (and how not) to build great teams and software. I’ve already got 4 recorded and queued for release, and I’m really excited about how it’s coming together.

If you’re into podcasts and/or growing product companies, check out the first episode and let me know what you think!

Latest in the series Podcasts.

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© Allen Pike. 👋🏼 You can contact me, or check out Steamclock.